Player Race Backgrounds in Ere-Stade

Player Race Backgrounds in Ere-Stade

Dragonborn are found living in most large cities and towns, and occasionally in smaller towns and villages. They are mostly from the cities of Kalledurth and Kava on the Liledurth Island.

Almost always from the Shar-Chad Mountains, where the dwarven cities of Berend and Chad are. There are dwarven settlements in many places outside of the Shar-Chad mountain range.

The Eladrin are rare in the common lands, but usually come from the S'na Ta'el forest where the connection to the Feywild is stronger, and sometimes enter the world from the Feywild in other places too.

The S'na Ta'el forest is the home of most elves, although there are large settlements in the Flureck, Telle, Sonara and Lile forests too. They can be found almost anywhere within the Island.

Are born and can be found anywhere. The only major Half-Elf settlement is the town of Forest's Edge, on the south-western edge of the S'na Ta'el Forest.

Halflings live in most cities and towns, and they move around a lot. Most older Halflings have lived in almost all the towns and cities on Ere-Stade Island at one point or another. Some Halflings hold the number of cities they've been in with pride, and often use the number as part of their title.

Humans populate almost all of the major cities and towns, and are found almost everywhere. They stand out in some places, such as the major Dwarf and Elf cities. A few nomadic communities of humans also travel the lands.

Teres is the most common birthplace of Tieflings, and the city is made up of a large proportion of Tiefling residents. Most places have Tiefling visitors, and they are a common sight in a lot of larger cities.

From the Players Handbook 2

Often wander down from Mount Har-Telle, and appear in many places that have a strong connection to the Astral Sea. They are rare in most places.

Gnomes live mostly amongst the elves of the S'na Ta'el, Flureck, Telle, Sonara and Lile Forests similar to how halflings live amongst human societies, but comparatively rarer than halflings.

These are nomadic within the Shar-Chad mountain ranges, and tend to access the rest of the world through their dwarven connections. They extremely rarely come from cities.

Generally rare, but not unheard of. They are often from villages or small towns.

Have several nomadic communities that roam the lands around Pariste and the north-east, some also come from the lands around Arranis.

From the Players Handbook 3

Githzerai have a monastery city in the Shar-Chad moutain range called Vondal, and also hold many monasteries around the island where they keep to themselves. In Kael, a Githzerai monastery exists where they often interact with other races, they are otherwise rare.

Especially rare, as viewed with much suspicion outside of their own communities, they generally have come from the labyrinthine Aila Island off the northern coast. Other labyrinth villages exist, but they are difficult to come across and then, once found, actually enter. There is a hidden labyrinth city in the Shar-Chad Mountains, which is mostly antagonistic to the surrounding races, which, every few generations, begins to rampage in the area, sometimes there are survivors that have children who live on to become adventurers without ever having set foot within the labyrinth cities.

Are extremely rare, but usually have very original and interesting origins depending on where the Shardmind awakened.

Among the deepest and untouched parts of nature, Wilden live. They are common in places where there is a connection to the feywild, such as the S'na Ta'el forest, or the plains of the north-west.

From Other Sourcebooks

The Drow have their cities below the surface of the forests of Ere-Stade, they are not antagonistic with the other races of the world, and are not viewed with suspicion. They are uncommon around most of the world, but where they do intersect with other races they are often present as merchants or traders.

Watersouls have an underwater city called Emere-Kyri, Earthsouls usually reside in Jerra-Sal, and there are other cities such as Nari-Khan and Sha-Alandra which have more mixed populations, including other races.

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